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Stylish People

Derek Lam’s DesigNation Collection is Here – Finally!

“There is a back story to every print…” What you need to know exclusively at Kohl’s line was inspired by Derek Lam‘s trip to Rio de Janiero wallet-friendly with most items under $100 style notes: the line is really for millenials; pieces are cut pretty slim; the overall styling has clean lines; and a decidedly sportswear overtone ~ overall, I’m unenthustiastic but you decide! I did find a lovely chambray jacket ($70)……which you can scoop for $52.50 (here) Take a

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Stylish People

Derek Lam Is A Fibber!

Derek Lam has said he’d never do a collaboration unless it was “something new” which led to his experimental Derek Lam for eBay project last winter. Well, Derek Lam for Kohl’s DesigNation is on the horizon. It’s a line filled with swimwear and women’s apparel and priced between $36 and $98. Oh yeah, what’s “new” is that it will be inspired by his recent trip to Brazil. Is that really “something new”? Narciso Rodriguez for Kohl’s DesigNation will hit November

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Fall Trends

A Pre-Fall Peek At Designer Derek Lam

Derek Lam will be bringing ‘sexy back’ to classic menswear with ladylike interpretations of the classic styling. I’m excited because that means the pieces have a greater likelihood of being timeless (& thus worth investing in). Derek takes care to focus on the feminine psyche when designing his pieces and it comes through most of the time ~ this collection looks like he took texture, color and print a little more seriously. Don’t look for edgy or new wave; this

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Like, Love, Lust, or Leave It?

I’ve been looking at these and going back and forth….. wide trousers are not typically flattering for ladies with hips there’s a lot going on with the print they’re silk ~ which makes them more clingy {yikes!} slant hip pockets {not cool again for ladies with ample hips} love the wide racing stripes {very sweatpants-like} overall: leave it….love the colors and respect Derek Lam‘s contemporary casual line 10 Crosby but the overall styling will require more work than the $335 should

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Fashion Weeks

NYFW & 10 Crosby

NYFW = New York Fashion Week and 10 Crosby = Derek Lam‘s lower-priced designer line. Derek Lam is a fashion industry favorite because of his feminine silhouettes, modern designs yet hints of vintage, and runway to walkway ease. Rather than show all of the runway looks, I thought I’d give you a glimpse of 10 Crosby as it’s something that likely has more appeal to the everyday diva {along with a more reasonable price point} and still allows you to

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Derek Lam for eBay

A little while back, Derek Lam in conjunction with eBay ran a contest to get some “help” selecting the five dresses he’d have for his capsule collection for eBay and the time has come.  The 5 winners ahve been chosen and you can now pre-order them on eBay.  BTW – I chose dress #4 (I know it’s predictable but…..) because it had classic versatility, it worked with lots of different body shapes, and it presented the chance to see black in

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