Fashion| Grooming| Men's Matters| Outfits| Tops| Travel

Men’s Style Tip

{Ermenegildo Zegna's Micronsphere Suit}

No longer does wrinkle-free mean uncool. If you travel then you know how difficult it is to get off a Transatlantic flight and still look fresh {not to mention a trip to Africa of the Far East}; and not everyone has the pleasure and comfort of traveling in business or first class. If you’re like me, you’ll need to be ready to hit-the-ground-running when you land.

The answer is wrinkle-free and the best brands to ensure you look like a million bucks even after stuck being stuck between a restless baby and chatty grandma for seven hours are:

  • Zegna’s Micronsphere ~ it’s a textured crossover fabric that is ideal for summer and fall
  • Joseph A Banks Traveler’s Collection ~ these dress shirts {in 47 sizes!} were voted WSJ’s Best Overall Wrinkle-Resistant Dress Shirt
  • Y-3 Driving Moc ~ these perforated leather mocs will allow your feet to breathe and be ready to rock!
xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

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Style Blueprint


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