This week's everyday dapper don hails from the Midwest and as you read about him, you'll see he's a poster boy for the Midwest down to his love for keeping it simple, understand, no frills, and meat! While currently a successful contract manager in the new South, he still believes in a little manual labor and exercise, but the basic tenants of fashion which are about being comfortable in whatever you have on.
- Occupation: Contract Manager
- Age: 35
- City/State of Birth: Chicago, IL
- Current City/State of Residence: Durham, NC
- Status: Married
- Shoes or Sneakers? Shoes
- Lace-ups or Slip-ons? Slip-ons
- Blazer or Sportcoat? Blazer
- Cashmere or Merino Wool? Merino Wool
- Baseball cap or Fedora? Neither
- Spring or Autumn? Autumn
- John Varvatos or Ermengildo Zegna? No idea who they are
- Halle Berry or Selma Hayek? Halle Berry
- Black or Navy blue? Black
- Sweatsuit or Tailored suit? Tailored Suit
- Tie or Bowtie? Tie
- Pinstripe or Tweed? Depends on the day
- Snow or Sweltering sun? Snow
- Sports or car shows? Car
- Colors or Neutrals? Neutral
- Rider or Push-mower? Push-mower
- “Watch” or “Be at” the game? Be at
- Argyle or Stripes? Stripes
- Trenchcoat or Wool coat? Wool
- Pick-up or Delivery? Pick-up
- Flat-front or Pleated pants? Pleated
- 4x4 or Sports car? Sports car
- Off-the-rack or Tailored? Tailored
- Nikes or Adidas? Adidas
- Ascot or Pocket Square ? Pocket Square
- Action or Comedy? Depends on the day
- Buttondown or T-shirt? Buttondown
- Beer or Wine? Wine
- Starwood or Marriott? Starwood
- Toolbox or Repairman? Toolbox
- iPhone or Blackberry? Blackberry
- Cigar or Pipe? Neither
- Notch or Peak lapel? Notch
- Relationships: Joint accounts or Separate? Joint Accounts
- Clean shaven or facial hair? Facial hair
- Tuxedo or Black suit? Black Suit
- Sportscenter or Best Damn Sports Show? Sportscenter
- Nuts or Pretzels? Nuts
- Swim trunks or Speedos? Swim trunks
- First date: Over or Under $100? Under
- Big dog or lapdog? BIG DOGS (No lap dogs allowed)
- Hotmail or Gmail? Gmail
- Gold or Silver? Gold
- Stairs or elevator? Elevator
- Black or Cognac-colored shoes? Black
- Harley or Honda motorcycle? Honda
- Details or GQ? GQ
- Laptop or iPad? Laptop
- Sushi or Steak? Steak
- Lace-ups or Loafers? Loafers
- Top of the line bargain brand or Entry-level high-end designer? Entry level high end designer
- New York or Los Angeles? NY
- Pandora or Personal playlist? Pandora
- Meat or Vegetables? Meat
- Cash or credit? Credit (then pay the card off)
- Jazz or Blues? Jazz
- Wallet or Money clip? Wallet
- Manicure or Pedicure? Manicure
- Pets or People? Pets
- Ultimate investment item? Real Estate