
All The {Nail} Colors of Fall 2012

This last year I’ve gone a bit ‘off script’ with my nail colors ~ I mean I’ve done purples, yellows, pinks. Yesterday, I decided it was time to get back to basics but then I took note of all the color for fall and though I might wait a minute….or two.

While I’ll never go metallic or glitter, I do love the rich deep tones of purple, navy {my new favorite color!}, and green. Which fall colors are your favorites? Which ones will we see you sporting?

I’m getting my manicure and pedicure today and may share a few photos (via Instagram).

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica

2 Responses

  1. I love purple nail polish….don’t know why, but its always my go to fall/winter color…that and deep red. I can’t get into green though….not sure why, but I never like it when I see people wearing it and would never wear it myself. I’m super conservative though lol feel the same way about yellow nail polish.

  2. I’m rocking bright red right now, but would definitely do the blue or purple looks without hesitation. I’d try the green–with a bit of trepidation. I’m traditionally a neutral/nude girl!

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