Style| Sustainable Fashion

2025 Fashion Goals

Did you create your fashion goals for the year ahead? Did you even think about it? As my mother used to say, “You are 100% likely not to achieve a goal if you don’t create one.” Wise woman! But even as you look at those superfluous ‘new years resolutions’, the best way to achieve them is to make them part of a larger, long-term aspiration, make them SMART (I never fully appreciated this framework until about six years ago!), and, for me, I only create about three per year… Anything more, and it’s just lying to myself; that’s no way to start a relationship!

I will be doing a quarterly post on my goals, progress, stumbles, and, ultimately, my anticipated success.

In the meantime, here are my three fashion goals for 2025:

  1. Remove three items/month from my closet (gift, donate, or sell)
  2. Limit myself to a maximum of 12 new clothing purchases for the year (new = brand new as opposed to consignment or vintage)
  3. Spend no more than $3000 across all style/fashion purchases for the year

To have the most success each SMART goal should align with a longer-term goal. For me, the three goals above align with these longer-term plays for me:

  1. Removing items allows me to focus on “less is more” and better utilization of the clothes I already own
  2. Limiting the number of items I can bring into the household allows me to become more sustainably-focused
  3. Limiting my spending allows me to focus on saving and investing more

Ok – I showed you mine now show me yours!

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica

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