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Book Review: Bittersweet

This post was inspired by Bittersweet by Miranda Beverly-Whittemore, a novel that exposes the gothic underbelly of an American dynasty, and an outsider’s hunger to belong. Join From Left to Write on May 20 we discuss Bittersweet. As a member, I received a copy of the book for review purposes. Imagine if someone told you to be someone else. Or, better yet, someone thought you  weren’t good enough “as-is” and asked you to change to fit it….or maybe, slightly more disconcerting, you

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collar stays, titanium

MANly Facts: Collar Stays

Men own too many pairs of less-than-useful collar stays. You need just one nice pair since you only wear one shirt at a time…plus it’s easier to keep track! Nab your titanium collar stays now….for less than $15! Titanium Collar Stays regular $10.00 USDextra long $13.00 USD

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travel. shirt pack

MANly Monday: Travel in Style

Ey chaps! It’s that time of year when you’re hitting the road either with family, your significant other, or just doing the annual boys trip to….(no comment). Or maybe it’s just ramped up travel for work. Either way, you need/want to arrive in style and ready to hit the ground running if need be. A quick change at the airport or in your hotel room can happen if you’re carrying the sullivan shirt pack. This genius contraption made of canvas

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