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Monday Morning Power List

A week’s worth of fashion, faux pas, follies, fabulosity, finds, forgettables, regrettables, and the like…… Little is BIG: There’s a saying that goes “…devil is in the details.”  We can apply it to tons of situations, but the big takeaway is that it’s the little things that count.  Our style application — the nicest accessories and most expensive clothing can suddenly fall flat when you notice unkempt nails, noisome body odor, or improperly applied makeup or the likes.  It’s the little

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Manly Monday Style Meter

A stylish start to the week from last week’s lessons learned… It’s-Finally-Friday’s-Quirky-Q&A: every Friday, we’ll feature a new, everyday Dapper Don and share some of his style proclivities including preferences for hotels, footwear, underwear and technology.  Many are just what you’d expect, but several will provide you with creative sparks,  food for thought, a few moments of laughter, and pure entertainment! It’s All in the Approach: Similar to flying, approaching a woman requires just as much skill — if you’re approach

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