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A New Blog and A Stylish Writer on the Scene

While in New York for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, I was invited to attend an evening mixer hosted by Style Coalition and ideeli at the W Hotel- The Tuscany.  The gift bags were fabulous and chock-full-of-treats, the bubbly was flowing freely, and the conversation was lively.  I had the chance to meet and talk with an up-and-coming style fashion blogger, Sharon Laufer. Sharon is a native Floridian but has lived in New York City since 2004.  She has a wonderful spirit

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Being Stylish and Moving to the Beat of Your Own Drum

One of my gentlemen readers pointed out that the people he thought were the most stylish and most admired generally moved to their own beat.  I agree….kinda!  I believe moving to your ‘own beat’ is right as long as it’s in time with the music. Anyway, I digress…. I believe what gives us a little individualism is taking an ordinary piece and adding our personality and signature to it.  For example, I want the Manoush sweater (available at Outnet.com) pictured.

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