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Tokyo Fashion: FugaHum

FugaHum had a fabulous multi-media exhibition for their 2011 Spring/Summer collection called Wake Up  cwhile I was in Tokyo.  It took place in an open space and featured a video display of something straight out of the Twilight Zone, loud music, and, oh yeah, clothes! I loved the pieces.  My two favorite pieces are pictured, but allow let me share my excitement over the line: Akiyoshi and Asuka are using fabric to create depth and dimension The line has several

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Tokyo Fashion: Lesson Learned….

For most Americans, Tokyo is expensive.  Consider this: a tall Starbucks soy chai with flavoring (I get french vanilla) is about ¥650 which is about $8.50 using a generous conversion of ¥75.  To get into a taxi, the starting fare is ¥710 which is about $9 before you even start moving….! With that said, walking the streets of Tokyo (which is just about all I can afford to do…..LOL) you will find Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Gucci on just about

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Tokyo Fashion: deuxcotes Designworks

I had the opportunity to visit a number of designers and retailers while in Tokyo, but one of my favorite retailers was abahouse Designworks in Ginza.  Have a look at their A/W 2010 fashions.  They know how to work knits, asymmetrical styling, clean lines, and fur!!  I feel in love with most of their knots which run around ¥ 24,000 to 28,000 (approx $320 to 375). *The leather is sumptuous but requires some ‘working in’…it’s all been polished to a shine!

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