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how-to remove a coffee stain

I love coffee️but it stains! And I’m not just talking about your teeth – a wrong move or a hearty laugh and you can have a coffee stain on your new pants. Well – fear not! Here’s the quick and effective way to remove the stain and keep your precious gear for years to come…. You’ll need: Spray bottle Ammonia Vinegar Water Cloth In a spray bottle, combine 1 cup white vinegar and 1 cup water. Spritz the stain, then

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Manly Monday Style Meter

A stylish start to the week from last week’s lessons learned… Summertime, Black-tie Wedding, White Jacket: we did our research and found out “white in summer” rules apply – feel free to wear a white jacket in place of black during the warm weather months! Age-appropriate footwear: I didn’t know this existed until I saw a 67-year-old man in bright orange hi-tops with lightening bolts. While color and zest have no ago, no one can argue with a pair of

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Garment Care 101

When you get a stain on an item, ♥ place a cloth underneath the stain to absorb the stain, ♥ use cold water, ♥ and dab don’t rub the stain!  Last note: if you’re going to try to treat and remove a stain, do so before washing because that essential sets the stain in your clothing!! Our pick: White House Black Market’s Stain Remover, (866-636-5227); it gets out grease, blood, grass, red wine and the list goes on….

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