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more michelin stars than any other city

You’d think New York, San Francisco, or Paris right? Me too….but we’re wrong! The city with the most Michelin stars is Tokyo! Since traveling there a few years ago, Tokyo has almost cemented its status as the go-to foodie location with 234 starred restaurants!! The breakdown is according to the 2018 Michelin Guide Tokyo: 166 restaurants at one star (“worth a stop”) 56 at two stars (“worth a detour”) 12 at three stars (“worth a special journey”) While I’m sure those providing the rating

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Sleepless from Not Being in Seattle

I’m not sure if you know this, but I used to live in Seattle….for about five years.  While there, I learned many things including how an entire city could empty out to head to the water or mountains and — how to down a dozen donuts in record time!  Yes, I said a dozen, freshly made donuts…. in Pike Place Market.  They come in a brown paper bag and come adorned with your choice of toppings (mine is sugar, of

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