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The Scent of a Man

Traditional summer scents are crisp, fruity/citrus-y, and typically don’t last all day….until now! I’ve tried three of five fragrances pictured and they last. They all have unique scents with the Byredo fragrance being my favorite because of the floral-y and woodsy scent. Scent tip: to make any of the scents last longer, layer using a scented soap during your morning routine!

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The Nose Knows

What’s the difference between eau de parfum and eau de toilette? Well, here’s the deal: The different names indicate the concentration of aromatic compounds (meaning the scented particles suspended in oil) within the solvent (ethanol, water, or most likely a combination of these). Eau de parfum (EDP) typically contains somewhere between 10-20% (depending on the perfume house) aromatic compounds and contains more ethanol than water solvent. Eau de toilette (EDT) contains less aromatic compounds than EDP

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The Manly Basics of Fragrance

Think small The life span of a bottle of cologne is one year.  Even if you haven’t gone through the whole thing, after twelve months buy a fresh one; you don’t want to wear a stale fragrance. Test in increments When shopping for a fragrance, try two at a time at the most, one on each arm.  Sniff your shirtsleeve between tests to clear your palate.

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