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Book Review: Bittersweet

This post was inspired by Bittersweet by Miranda Beverly-Whittemore, a novel that exposes the gothic underbelly of an American dynasty, and an outsider’s hunger to belong. Join From Left to Write on May 20 we discuss Bittersweet. As a member, I received a copy of the book for review purposes. Imagine if someone told you to be someone else. Or, better yet, someone thought you  weren’t good enough “as-is” and asked you to change to fit it….or maybe, slightly more disconcerting, you

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Thrive, book review, Arianna Huffington

Book Review: Thrive

I’m part of this book club, From Left to Write and one of the books we reviewed for May was Thrive by Arianna Huffington. The book was prompted by a broken cheekbone and nasty gash over here eye which was caused by passing out from exhaustion. Whoa! In spring 2009, I missed a flight for work and had a meltdown. As I was sitting in O’Hare airport, I ran my fingers through my hair and came up with a fairly

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Happier at Home
Events & Happenings

Book Review: Happier at Home

Other than my book (shameless plug), I couldn’t think of a better way to start a new year than by reading a book like Happier at Home by Gretchen Rubin. If you take a peek at my 2014 goals and intentions, you’ll see that Gretchen and I were likely co-conspirators on more clearly defining happiness and the ways in which you can find it. As I read the book and the areas of growth or focus that Gretchen ventured to

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Events & Happenings

Book Review: The Dinner

This book, The Dinner, was utterly disturbing but lead me down several divergent pathways. I started out by going to my family and a few close friends to ask a thought provoking question (in as neutral a tone as possible). The results were exactly as expected. But I stopped because I wanted to think and share what was most riveting about this book for me – and that was how we got to such a depraved ending. Four seemingly normal

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