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Standard Services

two people talking_1Initial Style Consultation: 1.5 hour session aimed at understanding what your current circumstance is including work, after-hours, and weekend activities, and how it contributes to your current style choices and what updates can be made that will be most impactful.  This session often includes visual imagery and creation of a list of "helpful hints" to assist with future purchases.

Wardrobe Assessment: 2.5 hour session designed to follow an Initial Style Consultation (see above).  Ideally, the assessment occurs where clothes can be evaluated however, if information can be provided that clearly and thoroughly outlines clothing/footwear/accessories then an exception can be made.  This is a high-level assessment of your closet and a "Wardrobe Essentials Checklist" will be provided.

Wardrobe Mapping & Look Construct: 2.5 hour session designed to create outfits with your existing clothing and accessories.  These outfits will be photographed for your future reference and ease of use.  You will also be provided with a Wardorbe Essentials Checklist which will be used as the framework for our personal shopping session.

Shopping Day with Client: 6.0-8.0 hour session to acquire items on your "Wardrobe Essentials Checklist"....think personal shopper!!  This requires a minimum budget of $1500 that will go toward your purchases.  At least two weeks notice is required to ensure all resources, and a list of items you want to be focus on purchasing have been confirmed.

Personal Shopping for Client: No time to shop?!  Blueprint for Style consultants will get it done for you by using our resources and fashion contacts to acquire the items youl need.  This leaves you free to focus your valuable time on knocking out your to-do list!

organized closetCloset Overhaul: 5.0 hour session aimed at going through your entire closet (Spring/Summer or Fall/Winter) to eliminate non-value added items .  Creation of a "Wardrobe Essentials Checklist" will be provided.

Quarterly Closet Check-Up: 2.0 hour session aimed at review of purchases, updating lifestyle information, and assessment of overall wardrobe readiness.  Update of "Wardrobe Essentials Checklist" will be provided.

Special Services

Special Occasion: 1.5 hour session aimed at quick preparation for special events including accessories, footwear, etcspecial events

Informal Group Session: From birthday makeovers to personal shopping, we'll create style sessions to teach you and your friends how to dress for a certain occasion, the keys to walking in heels, runway walking, etc (2 or more clients).

Travel Chic Packing Pro: 2.0 hour session aimed at the new (or savvy) traveler who needs to know what to put in the suitcase that will get them from a Board room or client meeting to dinner and drinks suitcaseor a social event without overpacking or missing something!  This session will address what to pack for the 3-day, 7-day, or 2-week trip, how to pack, and what to carry-on versus check-in to get through security.

Business Attire Seminars: Variable based on the needs and focus of the client.  However, can address work appropriate attire for new hires, lessons in business casual, or combining the critical elements of business appropriate and how to do it while 'on the road'.

If any of these services are of interest you, please click here and Blueprint for Style will get back to you within 72 hours!

