
Renegade Reading

I was gifted with this book, Renegades Write The Rules by Amy Jo Martin, and managed to read it between my blog posts, travels, holiday celebrating, and event creation meetings.

It’s a quick yet effective read for anyone interested in upping their social media game and influence. Digital Royalty CEO Martin shares eight essential “Renegade Rules”:

  1. Be the Media
  2. Show Some Skin
  3. Unmask Your Motives
  4. Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
  5. Ask Forgiveness Rather Than Permission
  6. Consensus Is the True Authority
  7. There’s A New ROI In Town
  8. The Act of Good Can Be Scaled

My favorite rule is #7 (cold metrics x sentiment + engagement = ROI, return on influence) but, you decide. I’m giving away a copy of the book to the one lucky rising social media mega mogul who:

  • likes our Facebook fan page; and
  • posts a one word comment that represents your favorite rule (see underlined word above)
  • contest runs through December 18th and the winner will be announced December 19th ~ in time to read it and implement changes for the new year!
xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica
Style Blueprint


Looking stylish is having the right tools in your toolkit to show up more confidently (and I’m sharing lots of tools every week in my newsletter)

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