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Personal Reflection: Advice to My 27 Year Old Self

{picture from dariacha mian's randomness, photo series by tom hussey}
{picture from dariacha mian’s randomness, photo series by tom hussey}

I had some thoughts to share with my 27 year old self…and thought “why not share them with you too because something may resonate with you now…or 20 years from now.”

  • Dare I say, you’re going to get older and while you won’t look the same, you’ll still look good (it’s in your genes).
  • Take this opportunity over the next three years to ask mom as many questions as you can possibly think of and if you’re smart, record the answers; or better yet, when you talk with her every weekend, just record the conversation!
  • This is the year your metabolism will come to a grinding halt and you’re going to need to nip it now before your doctor tells you to knock 3 points of your BMI! It’s easier to maintain than to try and lose.
  • Be the person you want to meet.
  • In spite of loving what you do, stop to listen to those heart palpitations when you help people get dressed….you might be on to something.
  • Sugar is addicting – tell your friends now to slap your hand when you put some sugar in your mouth!!
  • In spite of the mystery of the black woman and her hair, you look soooo much more fabulous in short hair. Embrace it now so you can have more fun on your vacations.
  • You owe a great deal to your English teacher, Mrs. Magavern. She instilled a love of the english language and that will carry you far.
  • When you see this old school Chloe bag and you have to decide between it and hanging out with two girls who don’t really get you, choose the bag!
  • You were on to something when you started to simplify your life and wardrobe….stay focused and on task, and your wardrobe will be so haute in 10 years – it will make you sick!

I’ve appreciated our little chat and that you gave me a few minutes to share. Perhaps copy this into your journal so you can say, “I told you so” in a little while. In the meantime, keep your head up and remember that your true friends love you for you and if there’s a criticism, it’s all in love.

xoxo, Mo

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica

2 Responses

  1. I love this post and there are few things on here I am going to “borrow”.

  2. Candice- I’ m so glad it resonated with you….”borrow” whatever you like as long as it helps!!

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