Plums. Yum!
Prunes. Yuck!
“Including improving digestion, drinking the dark purple juice may also help to prevent chronic diseases because of antioxidants it contains. The sweet and slightly tart juice also provides a good source of certain essential vitamins and minerals needed to maintain your overall health.” Read more at Livestrong.
I was feeling slow and bit bloated. I thought I needed to do a juice cleanse so I could feel ‘light’ again but I was in the grocery store waiting in an inexorably long line that trickled into Aisle 1, and I saw it. Prune juice. I scooped it into my already full hands and waited…and waited…and waited…for 15 minutes!
Anyway, I got home and just put it in the refridgerator still contemplating whether I wanted to taste it. I finally tried it two days later and….it worked fast! I drank 6-8oz and one hour later, my tummy was rumbling.
The moral of the story isn’t about my digestive tract but rather the wonderful real-time benefits of prune juice (feeling lighter) and the longer terms benefits (improved digestion and preventing chronic diseases).
Skip your next juice cleanse…and try this for under $5!
Yay for prunes!!!