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A “Denim Do Now” Thing

I made up that title but it’s catchy, huh?!  It’s a nice way to say ‘if you need some denim, consider {read: buy} these ones‘. They’re from Rag & Bone which means they’ll last you for the foreseeable future and if you’re a man with ample junk-in-your-trunk these are a good bet! Available at Matches, $115 (regularly $230) ……..  {don’t say I never did anything for you}

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Buy These Boots Now!

Because…. you’ll hate yourself later when everyone else has them and you don’t it’s so nominal a price (considering what the original price was, $600) it will make you look better (honest….I swear!) you can wear them to work and on the weekends…if you’re really into fashion Alexander McQueen leather toe cap boots available at Matches, $275

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After-Work Political Mixer Look

It’s a question all of us have to answer especially in a city like DC, or anyone who dares to brave the next nine months of election hoopla. I love this look because it’s not too dressy or over-the-top but also not too casual (the kiss of death!). It takes basic black and adds a bit of metallic to add pop and polish! Every woman on the go should own a tuxedo jacket {MUST HAVE #4} like this one by Religion

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Denim Pussybow Blouse

This denim blouse by ASOS represents the best of two worlds: my love for denim and my 2012 commitment to expand my blouse collection! It combines all of the fun, relaxation and casualness of the weekend and smooches it with the finish, chicness and femininity of a weekday business meeting. I envision wearing it with my black, fitted blazer with pointed shoulders, some colored skinny cords, and my black booties during the week; and the dressing it down with my cream shawl collar

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