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September Savviness In Review

September was a great month for cool posts, savvy style insights and manly must-do’s. Here’s a recap of our favorites for the month (and remember, it’s color-coded with women, men, and both): Mad About Menswear (in conjunction with Daily Style Buzz): the top 9 menswear trends for fall Fall Trend #5, Shimmer: how to rock shimmer everyday, not just on the runway One Dress, Work to Weekend: one $98 dress rocked several ways Happy Birthday Mom: a tribute to a

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Appreciate Your Womanhood

photo courtesy of Tommy Ton Very rarely do we get to see pictures that remind us how beautiful it is to have hips and to highlight them!  That she happens to be tall, is simply a factor of her above-the-knee dress and heels….love it! Can you see yourself looking equally as haute in something this simple? %RELATEDPOSTS%

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Get Briefed on Underwear

Indeed men can get VPL (or Visible Panty Line) kinda…..you ever see a man wlkaing around in a suit and you can see slight indentations on his butt (not that we were loooking or anything….lol)? Gents, you can maintain your dapper look and keep the focus on your suit, if you consider boxer briefs. They keep the package together without overcrowding, but they also provide no VPL in the process. Done!

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