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Monday Morning Power List

A week’s worth of fashion, faux pas, follies, fabulosity, finds, forgettables, regrettables, and the like…… Sumthin to Hide: every woman no matter what color, creed or nationality needs concealer after the age of 29  ‘Oh No She Didn’t’: just because you’re a television star or celebrity doesn’t give you the right to walk around looking a “hot mess”…maybe even less so Audrey Hepburn: is there a woman that epitomized effortless coiffed beauty more? See.  Do.  Be.  Stylish.

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Manly Monday Style Meter

A stylish start to the week from last week’s lessons learned….. Take a Stand: chatting while seated with a person that comes to your table (and they’re standing) is awkward and a little unrefined…try taking a stand on good manners! Stay Focused: when someones eyes are wandering else while talking, usually their mind is to so, gentleman unless you’re about to save her from an out-of-control car careening toward her, keep your eyes put! Tongue-tied: oops your tie just fell

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