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Manly Monday Style Meter (on Tuesday)

A stylish start to the week from last week’s lessons learned…. Double-fisted: one cell phone is hard enough to manage but, two….not cool (and unsafe). Road-weary: men who travel extensively should not have shoes that look like they “walked” the road less traveled…. Mistaken identity: (this is really for the ladies) don’t mistake kindness for weakness….men “power thru”! See.  Do.  Be.  Dapper.

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Spring Cleaning Tips: #4 (sweaters & bottoms)

Men & sweaters: these should be a staple in your wardrobe and, like crayola, come in many colors and styles.  Focus on 1 or 2 cardigans, 1 zip-front sweater that can double as a jacket but not as stiff, and 3-5 pullovers (crewneck or v-neck….v-neck being optimal especially if you’re more solid).  There are others but, let’s start with that so, if they have holes…take them to your tailorwho can tell you whether they are repairable otherwise, let them go.

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