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Booties…with Cutout Design (Skip ‘Em)!

Ok- they are supposed to be chic and hip, and all the rage, and I am NOT a fan of these cutout designs.  Rather than achieving something edgy, they are teetering precariously toward ‘hooker-esque’ and for the people I see wearing them, they are not really helping the cause.

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Scherer Gonzalez was MBFWB’s Hands-down Winner for Wearability!

That may be a bit of overstatement but, it’s the internet and I can do that!  In reality though, Scherer Gonzalez presented a runway show at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin that was elegant, clean, wearable, and feminine!  The color palette consisted of lots of ivory, dark red, and topaz (and a few others), and the entire line was silk – can you get any more feminine than silk?!

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