
Are Pockets a Fashion No-No?

pants pockets AND pleats so the pockets are empty lest I add weight to my hips!

The question of whether pockets are a fashion yes or no is something I pondered to myself for about two days before I decided to write this article. The answer is”it depends” but that’s not really satisfying, so I am sharing my insights and experience in a list of considerations.

We’ll approach this with three lists: considerations, exceptions, and general rules.

Considerations- while I believe there may be more questions to consider, this list is a fairly exhaustive first pass:

  • Where are the pockets located?
  • Are they sewn shut?
  • Is the person wearing the pockets big or small, short or tall?
  • Are the pockets on a dress, skirt, pants, shirt, handbag, or jacket?
  • Are the pockets hidden or flat front?
  • Is the goal of the garment to slim or polish?
  • Do the pockets provide convenience?
  • Are they actual pockets or those pseudo-pockets?
  • What size is the pocket?

Exceptions- there are rules and then there are those exceptions that veer a little too far outside the lines or general wisdom:

  • Weirdly placed pockets are a no – although the “fashion” is to step outside the box these days
  • Fake pockets are a no – it’s uncool to be a tease!
  • Pockets with holes are a no – losing your loose change is never fun
  • Pockets that are too big/deep are a no – digging for your card in a cavernous pocket looks wack
  • Adding pockets where they did not originally exist is a yes – we all love the idea of having a place to hold that little something
  • Pockets on flimsy material are a no – you can basically see what you’re trying to hide!
  • Pocket protectors are a hard no – protectors are likely made of plastic and we know how we feel about plastic
  • Pockets that house pocket squares are a yes – we should all hope to live at the edge of whimsy!
  • Pockets that become ‘rabbit ears’ are a no – they are a sign of ill-fitting garments
  • Pockets that bulge excessively are a no – they are meant to hold little things but not lots of things

Ok – what am I missing on the “exceptions” list? Please share as I am always open to learn and grow!

General Rules- based on the exceptions and my professional prowess, assess your pocket situation accordingly:

  1. A well-made and appropriately placed pocket is a moment of serendipitous fashion extravagance!
  2. Pockets placed vertically along a seam are good because they allow for a slimmer silhouette
  3. Fake pockets represent bad fashion manners
  4. Pockets placed at boob-level for women’s shirts is bad form for a polished silhouette
  5. All hidden pockets (as in coats and outerwear) are magical!
  6. Pockets on the seam on an angle more clearly define an individual’s shape
  7. For a polished profile, pockets should lay flat (no bulging)!
  8. Outside pockets on pants (a la cargo pants) will widen you unless they are placed at or below the knee and on the side
  9. Pants pockets where there is a built-in lining as well are wonderful but a fashion exception today
  10. Unless you are very fair-skinned, white pants with pockets looks gauche
  11. An empty breast pocket on a men’s shirt reminds others that you’re not up to the challenge that is oftentimes called fashion!
  12. With the exception of a pocket square in your breast pocket, pockets generally make your item more casual
  13. Pockets in accessories is a win
  14. Pockets should not be overstuffed. In these instances, carry said item(s) or given them to someone carrying a purse
  15. Pockets and pants pleats mean keep your pockets empty to ensure an elongated silhouette

Stay tuned! I will continue to refine this list and reshare it with you because pockets are important. They are rarely seem but are unsung heroes for carrying loot, lint, and little baubles.

For the record, I have NEVER been unhappy to find pockets on any of my apparel!

What about you?

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

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